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The Scholastic Rowing Association of America (SRAA) has run Nationals since 1935, which determines the North American champions. Schools come from all over North America to compete in more than 30 different events. Typically, heat races begin at 8:00 am Friday and the last “Finals” race ends on or after 4:00 pm on Saturday. Family and friends are encouraged to join our first varsity teams at Nationals. There will be more information about the regatta as we get closer to the date, but here is some info:


    Room reservations for the rowers are made by the team. Parents DO NOT need to book a room for their rower. 

    A limited number of rooms with a two-night minimum will be reserved for parents and will be released later.  There will be more information closer to the date.  The hotel situation in the Camden area is extremely oversubscribed.  However, parents are free to search for other options in the area.


    The 2025 SRAA Regatta will take place at Cooper River ​Pennsauken, NJ  on Friday, May 23th, and Saturday, May 24th. Plans for departure time and other logistics will be announced closer to the regatta.

    Rowers will have their first competitions on Friday. Semi-finals and finals are expected to take place on Saturday. The schedule will be shared once it is available. When your rower finishes racing, he/she may return to Washington DC with his/her parents or on the van with teammates.

    Rowers must bring money for meals on Thursday. Meals will be provided for rowers on Friday (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and Saturday (breakfast and lunch).   Lunch will be provided for parents on Saturday.


    This year, the fee per rower will be determined a few weeks prior to the regatta. The fee will cover the cost of the two nights’ accommodations, all meals including breakfasts, lunches, the team dinner, van transportation, registration and other fees. Coaches and the coordinating team will handle rower hotel reservations, meals, transportation and registration.

    SRAA website:
    Regatta Central:
    Facebook: Scholastic Rowing Association of America


Closer to the regatta date, we will provide additional information about details and logistics along with volunteer opportunities. 

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